Oxidized Leachbeast now has significantly more chances to spawn during rain. Duration of rain reduced, but the spawn rate of Oxidized Leachates during rain is drastically increased (700% faster).
Paint Vial: Lemonade Steel – Droprate of Exothermic Evaporator Coil increased. OOX-Fleetfoot/MG now has a Vignette star that pings the minimap when he races by if you are eligible to loot OOX-Avenger/MG. Blueprint: Emergency Rocket Chicken – OOX-Fleetfoot/MG respawns faster and no longer despawns if not killed by the end of its path. Blueprint: Holographic Digitalization Relay – Drop rate increased from all hologram bosses.
Vinyl: Battle for Gnomeregan – Drop rate increased from all hologram bosses. Vinyl: Triumph of Gnomeregan – Now a guaranteed drop from the Hard Mode version of the Reclamation Rig event. The following changes have been made to Mecha-Done:.